MUSIC STUDENTS: If you get lonely practicing alone for hours in an isolated practice room consider finding other musicians and building your own chamber ensemble. Or consider coming to a......
Even though life is even WAY crazier than usual these days with what’s happening with our planet and world affairs (!) there seems to be one wonderful constant in my......
Hi all! Please try to follow this protocol before your jury (and other performances). I think you will find it very helpful… 1. OPEN STRINGS: Play every single section of all of......
Instructions to Self Have you ever told yourself not to get tense or not to play out of tune or not to… whatever… You know what I mean. It’s kind......
Just realized that when I demonstrate a passage or a phrase for a student it’s not actually about showing them how it “should” sound or how I would like them......
How often have you needed to learn or teach new techniques on your instrument? Some people seem to adapt very easily to change while others struggle. This short post is......
This looks like a lot- but I believe you will recognize most, if not all of these practice techniques that we’ve done in our lessons. Enjoy 🙂 For intonation (pitch accuracy):......
What does taking risks mean when we’re playing music??  First of all, when you’re playing in an orchestra as a section member with lots of other players playing exactly the same......
Revisiting Long-Time Friends! What a great privilege it is to have been around the viola-chamber-music-block enough times through the years to have performed the iconic repertoire many times over. As......