For seasoned as well as less experienced violists I think we all have the same need to ask ourselves these questions during our practice sessions. We get so wrapped up in taking care of one thing at a time (like learning new notes, for example or speeding up a section) that we forget to make sure that all other aspects of our playing are successful.

So, here are some questions we need to remind ourselves to be aware of as we are working:

  1. Do I feel any tension ANYWHERE in my body?
  2. Am I working on a small enough section that I can realistically improve within the next few minutes?
  3. Am I hearing all the intervals in that small section? And am I playing them in tune so each note rings?
  4. Do I understand the rhythms? If not, should I try them first without my instrument? Am I playing them correctly?
  5. Am I using good bow distribution or are there notes sticking out that are weaker in the phrase?
  6. Do I know where the phrase begins and ends within the passage I’m working on? Am I able to sing the phrase first?
  7. Do I know what character/mood to go for? If not, should I maybe listen to some recordings?
  8. Am I using my bow correctly to bring out the colors I want for the mood? (Remember, open string practice for the bow?)
  9. Is my vibrato helping the mood? Too slow or fast? Too wide, too narrow?
  10. Am I clear on which shifts I want to hear for expression and which ones shouldn’t be heard?

I know this is A LOT to think about. And I have no doubt you can think of many more things.

I would encourage practicing IN LAYERS. So, going over the passage just for one, or maximum two things at a time and then adding each layer one by one so we don’t get completely overwhelmed. And then putting it all together! 🙂