Yes!! The 22 Winter Olympics are starting again! SO incredibly inspiring- especially the figure skating! (Yay Nathan Chen!) The ARTISTRY combined with nearly flawless technique! (I say nearly flawless since they too are human-haha!) And the unbelievable number of hours to prepare for just a few minutes of performance! At least when we perform and we mess up nobody will end up at the hospital!! And the endless mind games that these amazing athletes and we all have to play just to do our ultimate best work/performance. So many parallels…

Anyway, I’ll never forget watching the summer Olympics ( some years ago) and watching the high dive. The diver is standing up what seems like a hundred miles up in the stratosphere on the high dive with their back to the pool. And they’re standing there not moving for what seems like an eternity! What are they doing?? Well, my guess is they are CENTERING and maybe going through their routine in their head and just plain mindfully preparing, right?

Well, so the lightbulb in my head goes on and I realize it’s a bit like shifting. We so often start to panic right before our big shift but If we CENTER ourselves on the note before the actual shift we can actually be more successful with making our shift. Just like doing a high dive – only way safer. ?