Have you ever had trouble just thinking about getting your instrument unpacked to start practicing during a break?? Well, to be fair- yes, a break should be A BREAK- but......
Hello! I just finished my 25th summer at the Kneisel Hall Chamber Music School and Festival in Blue Hill Maine. As every summer, including this one- the teaching and performing......
Okay- we violists (and violinists) have a total of four fingers to use. We can all agree that our 4th fingers are often by far the weakest finger. So we......
If so- Please stop being afraid and embrace your dreams of being a performer! Students that graduate with Performance degrees can make a good living performing in chamber ensembles, orchestras,......
Here we go! It’s that time of the semester again to get revved up for juries and recitals. If you feel unprepared to play your ABSOLUTE best I would follow......
Haven’t posted in a while because I’ve been asked to play a fantastic chamber work that I have committed to learning and it’s taking every spare minute of my time......
Yes!! The 22 Winter Olympics are starting again! SO incredibly inspiring- especially the figure skating! (Yay Nathan Chen!) The ARTISTRY combined with nearly flawless technique! (I say nearly flawless since......
For seasoned as well as less experienced violists I think we all have the same need to ask ourselves these questions during our practice sessions. We get so wrapped up......
It seems that most of us violists (and other bowed string players) are mostly left hand centric. I guess because it’s so hard to play in tune!! And yet, when......
Holiday Practicing Here we are in the Holiday season! You might be playing a lot of holiday gigs but if you’re on break from school or your job it’s the......