All posts by: Doris Lederer

Have you ever had trouble just thinking about getting your instrument unpacked to start practicing during a break?? Well, to be fair- yes, a break should be A BREAK- but......
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Hello! I just finished my 25th summer at the Kneisel Hall Chamber Music School and Festival in Blue Hill Maine. As every summer, including this one- the teaching and performing......
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Okay- we violists (and violinists) have a total of four fingers to use. We can all agree that our 4th fingers are often by far the weakest finger. So we......
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If so- Please stop being afraid and embrace your dreams of being a performer! Students that graduate with Performance degrees can make a good living performing in chamber ensembles, orchestras,......
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Here we go! It’s that time of the semester again to get revved up for juries and recitals. If you feel unprepared to play your ABSOLUTE best I would follow......
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Haven’t posted in a while because I’ve been asked to play a fantastic chamber work that I have committed to learning and it’s taking every spare minute of my time......
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Yes!! The 22 Winter Olympics are starting again! SO incredibly inspiring- especially the figure skating! (Yay Nathan Chen!) The ARTISTRY combined with nearly flawless technique! (I say nearly flawless since......
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For seasoned as well as less experienced violists I think we all have the same need to ask ourselves these questions during our practice sessions. We get so wrapped up......
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It seems that most of us violists (and other bowed string players) are mostly left hand centric. I guess because it’s so hard to play in tune!! And yet, when......
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Holiday Practicing Here we are in the Holiday season! You might be playing a lot of holiday gigs but if you’re on break from school or your job it’s the......
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